Please note that the software developed in our group remains the property of Warsaw University of Technology and as such can not be distributed.
Data acquisition from FETs (VisiDAQ)
pH-meter (VisiDAQ)
Data acquisition from FETs (LabVIEW)
Data acquisition from FETs (LabVIEW)
Data acquisition from FETs (LabVIEW)
pH/ion-meter Mettler Toledo 350 (LabVIEW)
Peristaltic pump Gilson Minipuls3 (LabVIEW)
Ocean Optics PC1000 spectrometer (LabVIEW)
Ocean Optics PC1000 spectrometer (LabVIEW)
Ocean Optics PC1000 spectrometer (LabVIEW)
Ocean Optics PC1000 spectrometer (LabVIEW)
Ocean Optics PC1000 spectrometer (LabVIEW)