Prof. Magdalena Boguta
1977 M.S, Warsaw University, Department of Chemistry
1987 PhD, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, PAS, Genetics
1988-1990 postdoctoral fellow, Pennsylvania State University, Hershey Medical Center, PA, USA
1999 sabbatical visiting scientist, University of Louisville Medical Center, KY , USA
Positions and Employment
1997-2003 Assistant Professor, Department of Genetics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2003-present Professor, Department of Genetics, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2005-present Professor, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry
Scientific Experience
Genetics and molecular biology of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Nuclear – mitochondrial interactions, yeast prions, regulation of tRNA transcription
Teaching experience
2002-present- Undergraduate Teaching: basic lectures on molecular biology and genetics, Warsaw University, Department of Chemistry & Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry
Supervisor of Ph D dissertations
7 defended
Ongoing grants
2007-2010 Regulation of tRNA transcription in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Polish Ministry of Science and Education N301 023 32/1117)
2008-2010 Identification and deciphering a role of Maf1-specific kinases in regulation of tRNA transcription in yeast (Polish Ministry of Science and Education N301 164035)
2009-2011 Role of conserved domains of Maf1 in regulation of polymerase III transcription (Polish Ministry of Science N301 243236 )
2009-2013 Coupling of tRNA transcription, processing and decay in eukaryotes (Polish Ministry of Science N301298837
List of recent publications
1. Boguta M.(2009) Control of RNA polymerase I and III by the TOR signaling pathway. Cell Cycle, in press.
2. Sikora J, Towpik J, Graczyk D, Kistowski M, Rubel T, Poznanski J, Langridge J, Hughes C, Dadlez M, Boguta M (2009) Yeast prion [PSI+] depletes the levels of mitochondrial prohibitins. BBA-MCR. 1793:1703-1709
3. Towpik, J, Graczyk D, Gajda A, Lefebvre O, Boguta M (2008) De-repression of RNA Polymerase III by phosphorylation and nuclear export of its negative regulator Maf1. J. Biol. Chem. 283: 17168-17174.
4. Kutner J, Towpik J, Ginalski K & Boguta M (2008) Mitochondrial release factor in yeast: interplay of functional domains. Curr. Genet. 53:185-92.
5. Ciesla M & Boguta M (2008) Regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription by Maf1 protein. Acta Biochim. Pol. 55:215-225.
6. Ciesla M, Towpik J, Graczyk D, Oficjalska-Pham D, Harismendy O, Suleau A, Balicki K, Conesa C, Lefebvre O & Boguta M (2007) Maf1 is involved in coupling carbon metabolism to RNA Polymerase III transcription. Mol Cell Biol 27, 7693-7702.
7. Oficjalska-Pham, D. Harismendy O, Smagowicz WJ, Gonzales de Peredo A, Boguta M, Sentenac A & Lefebvre O (2006) General repression of RNA polymerase III transcription is triggered by protein phosphatase type 2A-mediated dephosphorylation of Maf1. Mol Cell , 22, 623-632.
8. Claisse M, Boguta M & Zagórski W (2005) Translational readthrough of a termination codon in the yeast mitochondrial mRNA VAR1 as a result of mutation in the release factor mRF1. Acta Biochim. Pol. 52, 129-137.
9. Kaminska J, Kwapisz M, Grabinska K, Orlowski J, Boguta M, Palamarczyk G, Zoladek T (2005) Rsp5 ubiquitin ligase affects isoprenoid pathway and cell wall organization in S. cerevisiae. Acta Biochim. Pol. 52: 207-220.
10. Towpik J, Kutner J & Boguta M (2005) Expression of mitochondrial release factor in relation to respiratory competence in yeast. Curr Genet 48:101-108.
11. Boguta M (2005) Termination in the yeast mitochondrial system: mutations in the MRF1 gene encoding release factor inhibit translation. Annual Report, Polish Academy of Sciences. 35-37.
12. Towpik J, Chacinska A, Cieśla M, Ginalski K & Boguta M (2004) Mutations in the yeast MRF1 gene encoding mitochondrial release factor inhibit translation on mitochondrial ribosomes. J. Biol.Chem. 279,14096_141003.
e-mail: magda@ibb.waw.pl
tel.: +48 22
fax.: +48 22 6282741
Warsaw University of Technology
Department of Microbioanalytics
Noakowskiego 3
00-664 Warsaw, Poland
mail: brzozka@ch.pw.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 234 5427
fax: +48 22 234 5631
www: csrg.ch.pw.edu.pl